


Although 70 mg/dL is the target threshold identified by both ESC and AHA, should the interventionalist, in a patient who has just undergone a PCI and has an LDL-C of 69 mg/dL, be considered adequately CV risk-mitigated?

Although 70 mg/dL is the target threshold identified by both ESC and AHA, should the interventionalist, in a patient who has just undergone a PCI and has an LDL-C of 69 mg/dL, be considered adequately CV risk-mitigated?

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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Cardiovascular Intelligence Zone | The Lipidologist and Atherosclerosis Specialist's Perspective


Keith A.A. Fox, MBChB, FRCP, FMedSci

Keith A.A. Fox, MBChB, FRCP, FMedSci

Professor, University of Edinburgh Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Professor, University and Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, United Kingdom